The missing link and one of the greatest voids in overcoming chronic and life-threatening disease is the failure to seek the underlying cause of the affliction. It is quite difficult to obtain restoration if we conceal the root cause of our disease.
Physical health and well-being is probably the most prevalent topic in America today. Almost anywhere you go, people are discussing health disorders, health insurance, doctors, or having to stay at their work place simply for health insurance purposes. Americans are obsessed with the healthcare topic. Trillions of dollars are spent on conventional healthcare annually. Billions are spent on alternative and integrative products and services year after year. The average cost per person has reached an all-time high ($10,350 per person in the United States) and yet, there are two major missing links or voids not being addressed:
proper health education is absent, as is seeking the true cause of the patient’s disease.
We have a mandatory education system to learn how to be productive citizens and not be a burden on society. Education prevents suffering and struggling through life. So how can it be we have voids where life-threatening disease is concerned?
We have record numbers of mortality in America involving cancer and cardiovascular disease—are we ever going to realize that seeking the underlying cause just might be the answer for survival? In my experiences, I have found it much easier to see patients obtain health restoration when the proper protocol was levied, however, knowing the cause can be the difference between success and failure.
There are specific laboratories that can diagnose all of the segments listed below. There is also darkfield microscopy which is used as a blood diagnostic tool. The same clinics that depend on these diagnostic labs also offer IPT (insulin potentiation therapy), cancer vaccines, and immunotherapy.
The Health Education Center advises those who are struggling to get well to seek blood and bodily fluid diagnostics for infections, toxins, deficiencies, compromised immunity, compromised hormonal functions, stem cell activity, RBCs, WBCs, platelets, and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).
Powerful immunity is crucial for recovery, as are healthy red cells, white cells, platelets, and stem cells.
Healthy hormonal balance is also crucial in many health disorders.
Knowing your deficiencies is vital: nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, enzymes, probiotics, as well as oxygen (oxygen at a cellular level is vitally important).
It is essential that we eliminate poor dietary habits. The bodily system requires high test fuel only during the recovery process.
Alkalinity: know your pH level. Shoot for an 8.
Infections: viral (including STDs), bacterial, fungal, and parasitic. Infections must be identified and eliminated to secure restoration.
Toxins: all the above plus metal toxicity, XenoEstrogens, pesticides, and medications. Toxins must also be identified and eliminated.
Too many patients are completely unaware of the amazing options available to them in their quest for a successful outcome.