Enzymes Are Therapeutic

Health restoration requires enzymes.

Enzymes are in the same category as plant life. Without either, life on earth would not exist, and the same applies with oxygen and hydrogen. Enzymes give life and do keep us alive and well. All metabolic functions in our bodies, especially the digestion of foods and the release of nutrients, require enzymes. The greatest source is already in the raw plants and juices we consume. 

The three categories of enzymes are amylase for digesting carbohydrates, lipase for digesting fats, and proteolytic for digesting proteins.

Digestive enzymes come in three classifications: pancreatic, plant-derived, and fungal-derived. 

The eating and juicing of live plants produce predigested enzymes directly into the blood stream. This offers therapeutic benefits and encourages health renewal, and will also help keep us disease-free for those who are prevention-minded. Therapeutic classifications of enzymes can be purchased in supplement form as well. 

Enzymes are a mandatory requirement for cancer patients, however very few patients are seeking and consuming them in any format mentioned. In most cancer situations involving tumors, there is an outer coating of the tumor which is called the fibrin. The fibrin is a protein that protects the cancer cells. Fortunately, specific enzymes have the ability to dissolve the fibrin coating leaving the cancer cells vulnerable to the attack of the immune system. Enzymes are also essential concerning heart disease and arthritic conditions, as well as all inflammatory concerns. 

Enzymes are essential for ensuring a healthy circulatory system, which helps prevent metastasis and blood clots. Pancreatic enzymes, vegetable enzymes, and Nattokinase, which is a Japanese fermented source of enzyme, along with bromelain and papain, will dissolve clots and fibrin deposits in necessary regions of the body. Nattokinase is useful in the treatment of hyper-coagulation of the blood, angina, circulation disorders, heart attack and stroke prevention, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and chronic fatigue. Serrapeptase is also a powerful proteolytic enzyme derived from silkworms. The bacterium Serratia marcescens E1 produces Serrapeptase, an enzyme that enables the silkworm to dissolve its silken cocoon and emerge after metamorphosis. Serrapeptase offers anti-inflammatory, protein-dissolving, and fibrin-dissolving properties, and can also reduce scar tissue. Enzymes offer too many therapeutic benefits to continue to be ignored. They not only give life; they restore and preserve life.